The Tutors For Excellence Blog

Tutors For Excellence are here to provide you with news, advice and most importantly, learning!

Tutors For Excellence are here to provide you with news, advice and most importantly, learning!


An Inspector Calls - Ms Sheila Birling

J.B. Priestley's 1945 play ‘An Inspector Calls' is often regarded as one of the more complex texts that GCSE English students are called on to study. In this weeks Blog, we presen...  more  

An Inspector Calls - Mrs Sybil Birling

J.B. Priestley's 1945 play ‘An Inspector Calls' is often regarded as one of the more complex texts that GCSE English students are called on to study. In this weeks Blog, we presen...  more  

An Inspector Calls - Mr Arthur Birling

J.B. Priestley's 1945 play ‘An Inspector Calls' is often regarded as one of the more complex texts that GCSE English students are called on to study. In this weeks Blog, we presen...  more